“It takes an entire village to raise a child”. This African proverb, widespread among educators, makes us think about how a well-structured community impacts the lives of children and adolescents.

In Compassiva’s story, we work directly with children. We have already carried out actions with this public on the streets with soccer training and dance classes.

Currently, we have the Dojo project, which offers jiu-jitsu training for teenagers from the community in the Liberdade neighborhood, and a partnership with Projeto Guri, which provides music classes for children and teenagers. We also carry out the Cordão de Afeto project, with pregnant women and new mothers, which benefits the very early childhood.

However, all our actions contribute to the well-being of children and teenagers, as we promote the quality of life of families, whether residents of Liberdade or refugees in São Paulo.

Compassiva is distributing food baskets, giving Portuguese classes to refugees, referring them to jobs, making donations, all of these are helping to strengthen the home environment and is consequently making it a better environment for the children who live in it”, says Caetano Pinilha, project coordinator at Compassiva.

He cites an example. A few weeks ago, a bed, refrigerator, stove and television were donated to a family formed by a single mother of three children, who has already participated in the Oficinas Transformadoras Project we held. “This donation made the house better, safer and cozier. So, all of this helps to strengthen and helps the children to have a better quality of life”, he says.

Therefore, it is important to emphasize that to change the life trajectory of a child or teenager, benefit their family, improve the place where they live and contribute to the well-being of their caregivers is essential for them to develop fully.

That on this next Children’s Day, we can be inspired and mobilize, as a community, to impact entire families.


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