May 5th is #GivingTuesdayNow, a global donation movement. Be Part of it!

During quarantine, a measure taken worldwide to curb the spread of covid-19, social demands intensified, demanding that the whole of society mobilize to meet them.

Annually, Giving Tuesday, a global donation movement for social causes, takes place in December. However, in order to contemplate the emergency we are experiencing, this Tuesday, May 5th, the Giving Tuesday Now will be held.

The coronavirus pandemic does not affect only those who become infected. Many of the people who participate in Compassiva‘s activities, for example, have informal jobs and are experiencing a moment of complete economic insecurity, in addition to health risks.

Most of our projects seek results that can be noticed in the medium or long term. However, we realized, since the beginning of physical isolation, the we need to redirect some efforts to respond to the emergencies of the families we serve and the poor community in the Liberdade neighborhood.

Join this global movement with Compassiva and make your donation on Giving Tuesday Now.

Follow our social networks and learn about the stories we seek to strengthen with our projects and which, at this moment, need even more solidarity.


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