• Portuguese Course
The first barrier Syrians face when they arrive in Brazil is also the one which takes longest to overcome: the language. We run free Portuguese courses for these refugees as a response to this growing need.
Currently, the classes are divided according to level, and we are also able to reserve classrooms specifically for Arabic women, as all our classes take place at Compassiva’s headquarters.
• Legal Assistance
Although Brazil has become the Latin American country to receive the most Syrian refugees (source: UNHCR), the process of documentation can take months to get through.
Refugees and asylum seekers have the right to get a National Registration Number (CPF) and a Work Permit, and to open bank accounts. However, all this depends on when they receive the document confirming their asylum application and their Foreign Person’s Registration Number (RNE), which has been taking more time to complete due to the rise in demand. We work both independently and with other civil society organisations to support refugees through this process, for example by accompanying them to appointments, as well as by participating in civil society meetings and talks with a view to improving public services
In partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), we are able to facilitate the revalidation of degrees for refugees of various nationalities, our team accompanying the process from initial application to official recognition of their profession on Brazilian soil. We also sponsor refugees’ applications for government welfare, as well as offering free legal assistance regarding business and labour rights. Where refugees have questions about holidays, severance payments, maternity leave and other related subjects, they can get free advice from our lawyers and volunteers.
Revalidation of degrees: revalidacao@compassiva.org.br
• Work
One of the refugees’ main challenges is to find a job which provides stability and financial independence. Many of the Syrians arriving in Brazil already have degrees and professional qualifications, but still have to overcome obstacles preventing their integration into the Brazilian labour market.
The first difficulty is language, but our free course allows them to overcome this barrier so doors begin to open. LAR helps refugees find jobs matching their qualifications, offering assistance with the translation of CVs, registration to online recruitment agencies, job searches, and contact with potential employers.
• Support
Aside from financial independence and language learning, our care for the Syrian refugees we serve focuses on their insertion and integration into Brazilian society in terms of physical and emotional well-being. We thus have a Support Team, responsible for four basic needs: health, food, accommodation and social integration.
In terms of health, LAR assists refugees by helping them register for and use SUS (national health care service), by walking alongside pregnant women throughout their pregnancy, and by running events offering free medical assistance from qualified volunteer doctors. We also provide basic food baskets for the families who most need them, and assist in the highly bureaucratic process of securing somewhere to live.
Finally, we support the social and cultural adaptation of refugees as they integrate into a Brazilian community. We help families sign up for governmental social programmes, and we have also developed a basic course on history, culture and the Brazilian people. We also promote outings and external events as opportunities for relaxation and entertainment, which in turn reinforce the important relationship between the refugees and our volunteers, which are often the first links Syrians build in our country.
Portuguese Classes (evening): Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 7-8.30pm.
Portuguese Classes for Women (morning): Monday and Wednesday: 9.30-11am.