Created in March 2009, Kids in Action aims to promote a healthy childhood, serving children and adolescents living in a context where they are vulnerable to contact with drugs and grooming for drugs trafficking, with conditions that aren’t conducive to healthy leisure activities or quality education.


This project focuses on preventing children living in this vulnerable environment from falling victim to the external pressures that lead them to a path of criminality. Guiding them to follow the opposite path, the project puts great value on education, teaches respect for other people and for one’s self, and encourages the development of children’s skills, showing them that it is possible to dream and build a better future.


Kids in Action serves around 80 children in the centre of São Paulo. Every week various artistic activities take place, including the showing of thematic films and the use of diverse educational materials. The children are divided into classes so more specialised attention can be given to each age-group. Trips out also take place with the permission of parents and guardians.



Project Activities:
Thursday: 7.30-9pm


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