Last Saturday, the 26th January, students from the LAR programme (Helping the Refugee) took part in a cultural route around the city promoted by the University of São Paulo (USP). It was part of a cultural outreach project created by EACH – USP (The School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities). Around 30 refugees went along – men, women and children – as well as a few Compassiva volunteers and USP students.

The 4-hour route, entitled Modernist São Paulo, took participants to touristic points of interest around São Paulo that help to tell the story of the city’s modernist movement. These included Independence Park (home to the Paulista Museum), the Municipal Theatre and the Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC) in Ibirapuera Park. The stewards from the “Cultural Rotation” programme for scientific and cultural outings took the group on a journey through time, with the various stops on the route and also on the bus journeys, sharing extensive knowledge about the modernist period in São Paulo.

A Syrian student, Noura Bader, and her family (husband and three children) really enjoyed the trip. “We saw some really beautiful places that I hadn’t expected. We also saw how Brazilians have maintained their heritage and their country. The excursion team was marvellous and gave us really valuable information. We’re very happy,” said Noura.

It was also a rich experience for the USP students present. Bárbara Santos, a student who receives a scholarship through the project thanked us: “I’d like to thank Compassiva on behalf of EACH-USP Tourism and Refuge’s cultural outreach project for this great partnership. The outing surpassed expectations, creating links with special people who offer so much with simplicity, through small gestures and acts. To be able to be a part of something like this was fulfilling, and Compassiva’s importance in the life of each person there was evident.”

Obviously, the outing was also special for the Compassiva team. Jéssica Oliveira, coordinator of the Portuguese course shared: “It was very special for me to see the happiness of our students at every place we visited on the tour with the Cultural Rotation. Something a bit different – teaching outside the classroom, and with elements of São Paulo’s culture. Our classes have never been so dynamic!”

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank the Cultural Rotation, USP’s outreach project, Compassiva’s volunteers and especially our students for taking part in such a special day, which concluded with a delicious picnic in Ibirapuera Park, where the food was shared with much happiness, laughs and good moments together. Until next time!


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